5月28日、オバマ大統領はパレスチナ自治政府のアッバス議長と会談した。two-state solution(パレスチナ国家の樹立による二国家共存案)がイスラエル・パレスチナ双方に平和と安全をもたらすと確信することを強調した。そしてそれはイスラエルのネタニヤフ首相に繰り返し述べたことでもある。
そのためにはroad map(2003年の中東和平案)に基づき、イスラエルが入植活動を中止し、パレスチナがヨルダン川西岸での治安を改善することが重要であり、それによって和平プロセスの前進が可能であると信じる。
As I’ve said before, I’ve been a strong believer in a two-state solution that would provide the Israelis and Palestinians the peace and security that they need. I am very appreciative that President Abbas shares that view. And when Prime Minister Netanyahu was here last week I reiterated to him that the framework that’s been provided by the road map is one that can advance the interests of Israel, can advance the interests of the Palestinian people, and can also advance the interests of the United States.
We are a stalwart ally of Israel and it is in our interests to assure that Israel is safe and secure. It is our belief that the best way to achieve that is to create the conditions on the ground and set the stage for a Palestinian state as well. And so what I told Prime Minister Netanyahu was is that each party has obligations under the road map. On the Israeli side those obligations include stopping settlements. They include making sure that there is a viable potential Palestinian state. On the Palestinian side it’s going to be important and necessary to continue to take the security steps on the West Bank that President Abbas has already begun to take, working with General Dayton. We’ve seen great progress in terms of security in the West Bank. Those security steps need to continue because Israel has to have some confidence that security in the West Bank is in place in order for us to advance this process.


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